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Your hamster needs plenty of exercise. Hamsters can run up to 8 miles a night. There are two "toys" your hamster must have. A wheel and an exercise ball are essential.

Your hamster's wheel needs to be a safe. It should have a solid back and running area. Metal or runged wheels are dangerous to your hammie's little feet. Gizmo has a CritterTrail solid plastic cage wheel and a S.A.M. outside-of-cage attachment. The S.A.M. wheel is completely enclosed except for the tube opening and the little slot that traps his poop! One wheel is fine. To quiet a squeeky wheel, try vegetable oil or chapstick.

The second product is a hamster ball. Gizmo calls it his zoom-zoom ball. Your hamster should be offered back into his cage every 10 to 15 minutes to get food and water. Never force your hamster into the ball. It is normal for your hamster to pick a couple spots to run back and forth continually. He will bang into walls. Make sure stairways are blocked. He should always be supervised while in his ball.

Hamsters like to climb for exercise, too. That is why I recommend a cage that has some wiring.

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Hamster House - the best hamster hangout