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Before the Arrival of your Hamster

Hamsters make ideal pets as they are inexpensive to maintain, are quiet and can be left alone while you go away for the weekend or are compact enough to bring along! They don't take up much space and require minimal maintenance.

There are several subjects you should learn about before the arrival of your hamster.

1. Breeds-The breed of hamster you choose influences other decisions, including what type of cage to buy.

2. Taming-A step-by-step how-to.

3. Illnesses-This is an important topic as it is crucial to know what can make your hammie sick. By the time there are clear signals of illness, it is many times too late.

4. Exercise-A hamster's body language can tell you a lot about how he is feeling.

5. Behavior-Learn day-to-day hamster behavior.

6. Breeding-Please read even if you do NOT intend to breed.

7. Body Language-A hamster's body language can tell you a lot about how he is feeling.

8. History-Where did hamsters come from?

In addition to the above, there are several products you'll need. Some items you'll need to buy, and some you can find around the house!

1. Cage

2. Bedding

3. Nesting Material

4. Food dish

5. Water bottle

6. Food

7. Treats

8. Toys

9. Travel cage

Once you have a good understanding of hamsters, you should gather everything you'll need. Make sure to dust and vacuum where his cage will be, then set up his house. Also put bedding, a couple sunflower seeds and some nesting material in his travel cage. You should bring this cage to pick up your hamster. Your hamster may chew his way out of the cardboard box that the seller provides before you get him home. He will be much more comfy in a cage.

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Copyright � 2002 by Millytilli

Hamster House - the best hamster hangout