 The Best Hamster Hangout For All Hamster Lovers!


From: karen
Hamster: climber

on the day i got my hamster, i was desparate to find the perfect name for my hamster. i was waiting, just watching it, and then at night, it started climbing and getting all active! so i had the PERFECT name, climber! my mom calls him deka, because in japanese, dekai is big, and my last hamster was named chibi (small in japanese). climber is a long haired, black eyed, cream, banded syrian hamster. he gets 'mood swings' sometimes, from being happy and getting scared. but most of the times hes happy. climber's a great hamster now, and hes my cuddle bunny. its like if im feeling down, i could just talk to him, i even sometimes talk to him without saying anything ("brain talking" =P)

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