Quiz Answers!

A1. The average lifespan for a hamster is 2-3 years.

A2. Syrian hamsters are solitary. This means they like to live alone.

A3. The gestation period for a hamster is 16 days.

A4. You should definately NOT feed hamters chocolate as it is poisonous to them.

A5. Female hamsters go into heat every 4-5 days.

A6. The unusual element about hamsters teeth is that they never stop growing! This is why we feed our hammy's treats such as dog biscuits to gnaw so their teeth are kept short.

If you got under three questions right then you need to study hamsters a bit more to become an expert! (Or just read the hamsters question and answers page on this site.)
If you got between four and five right then you know your stuff.
But, if you got all six right then you're a genius!!!

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