For a new hamster owner, finding out what you'll need to buy can be a challenge as pet stores will tell you to buy loads of things you don't really need. Next to each object is a brief description. For more information, go to The cage and other items. Feel free to print this out.
New hamster Buying Checklist-The necessities
Housing: Cages (Syrians only), plastic or glass tank, connectable cage or plastic and wire cage.
Bedding: Wood shavings for the floor-no pine or cedar-aspen is safe. For nesting bedding, use toilet paper shredded.
Food: Dry hamster mix
Water Bottle: Use one as opposed to a water bowl
Wheel: Do not buy metal runged ones.
Food Bowl: Chose one which is difficult to tip.
And the optional bits
Ball: Useful for when your cleaning the cage.
Hamster potty: Yes hamsters can be potty trained!
Antibacterial/Disinfectant spray-Great for cleaning the cage.
Add-ons if you have a connectable cage.