Common Ailments

Here is a list of some of the ailment hammies can get- and their cures!

Symptoms Ailment Cure
Abscesses Cut or wound is infected badly You will need to drain the wound or if it quite bad, take your ham to the vet.
Broken limbs No use of limb-dragging limb along floor. The limb should heal on its own. Hamsters will chew of splints and bandages in time.
Cold/flu High temperature, sneezing, snuffling, runny nose. Warmth will do a good job. Also a mixture of warm milk and honey. If it really bad go to a vet.
Constipation Large swollen abdomen, large bulging anus. Prevention is better than cure, do NOT USE FLUFFY BEDDING. Make sure your hamster gets enough fresh veg/fruit. I would say to go to a vet if your ham has any of these symptoms.
Cuts and bites Obvious Wash the wound with antibiotic liquid. If it is a large cut, go to a vets.
More aliments to be put up very soon.