Feeding time!

Here's some information that I rely on. Its from reliable sources. 

 Click on each one for information on each one.

Seeds and Grains


Fresh Fruits and Vegetables




Chewies and other bits 

Seeds and Grains
This is mainly your hamster mix. Choose a good quality one and stick to it as much as you can. Make sure it is fresh by checking the date on it. Keep a small amount of your hamster dry mix in an airtight container so you don't have to keep going in the bag every day.
A hamster mix is mainly made up of:
Rolled Barley
Sunflower Seeds
Flaked Pea
Broad Beans
These vary for dry mix to dry mix. You can add to the seeds and grains part of the diet by adding  the following:
Grains: Dry rice, rolled oats, pasta or a small piece of plain unsweetened cereal.
Seeds: Watermelon, squash and sesame seeds
Nuts: Roasted unsalted peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts and pecans.


You can buy mineral blocks especially for hamsters. Try to get the sugar free ones. You can either crush one into small pieces and put it in with their food or put on in a holder or wheel type holder and leave this in the cage.

Fresh fruit and Vegetables

Try to feed two pieces of veg/fruit a day and try to make one a green veg.
Vegetables that are safe are: green beans, spinach, broccoli, celery, carrots, corn, cauliflower, radish. There are probably a lot more but I don't have a full list here. You can find a full list of what hamsters  can and cant eat at this website:

Fruits that are safe are: banana, strawberry, apple (no seeds), pear, peach, melon and papaya. Again there are more at the website.


Protein is very important. Try to feed protein AT LEAST once a week. Safe foods that contain protein are tofu, steamed chicken, cooked egg white (the white off a hard boiled egg), non fat cottage cheese, no fat plain yogurt and fresh milk. 


Safe carbohydrates are steamed rice, cooked pasta, baked or boiled potato and crusts of wholemeal bread. 


You can buy vitamin drops to go in the water bottles which I think are really beneficial in Winter especially. Also, a couple of drops of olive oil on their food can do wonders for making a hams coat really glossy.

Chewies and other bits

Hamsters need to keep their teeth in trim and a good way of keeping them down is by using wood chews. These are flavored bits of wood which hamsters nibble at. Jet doesn't really like hers so I rub banana on it!
If you don't want to buy wood chews, you could use twist ties to secure a half piece of carrot to the cage bars or just drop a carrot in the tank. This will help keep their teeth down too.
Dog biscuits without meat content in are really good for keeping teeth down and will last a LONG time.

Fresh water should be kept available at all times.