-8/27- :Hachigastu nijyunana: I have a new episode of "The Yuugi Tachi" game up, and for all of you who don't know what that is; My friends and I dub an episode whenever we get togeather. However, my friends don't usually watch Yuugiou so the game is to guess what the characters are saying and what the plot is. Yuugi Tachi episode 2 -8/18- :Hachigastu Jyuhachiyobi: I finished a new music video to celibrate Yuugiou's 10th anniversary. Oh and what a fine 10 years it's been! Just to start again -8/13- :hachigastu jyusanyobi: Just a quick update, I have one artical and the plot is back up and better. Yugioh Capmon -8/12- :hachigastu Jyuniyobi: Crazy crazy, one more week untill school starts back up for me. I wont have that much time to update, but you'll be sure to see new things on sundays. I promise to update every sunday, even if it's just to say "hello." Okay, what I have new here started when I went to "wallmart" the otherday and noticed that all the YGO stuff is now for todlers. That started me thinking, and you can hear my whole rant in the "Weird scenes" section. Anyway, I started desiging and came out with these three teen girl tee designs. Now these are unofficial and are just an Idea I had. These are fake and made by me. But if you think it's a good Idea as well, we should send an email to 4kids. ![]() ![]() ![]() I also have one parody up who's the smartest? And I'm almost finished with a clip with subtitles, another parody and a new music video. See you later! -8/7- :hachigastu nanayobi: Oh my, I havn't updated because I've been playing all summer. Recently I found a better, faster more reliable way to make clips with a program my dad bought for himself... I've made two new music videos with tons more on the way, along with some funny clips, however I now need to know how to put subtitles on the clips since I know a bit of japanese myself. anyway, I AM SO HAPPY THAT THE ITALLIANS HAVE SUCH GREAT TASTE! take a look at the Yugioh itallian opening! Oh, it makes me want to live there so bad... or atleast find a place I can download these theme songs. (c)Hagaren at youtube.com Theres also the DM opening but you'll have to go to youtube to get that one. urg! its so weird! I can hardly hear through my left ear and I'm a bit sick. My new game, dance factory, is not comming till september and I'm going to start AB days at school. I cant wait. ^___^ enjoy the rest of your summer mina san! all dreams must die soul of a madman (malik AMV) -7/5- :nanagastu goyobi: I've finally made a miniture clip that has semi-high quilty. I was watching this this morning and and was all "whoah! Oh good heavens what was that!?" So I watched it over and over again untill I actually saw what was happening... poor Malik's body. Spines don't move like that! O_O I also took screen caps of this part when he's in the most bizarre positions. See for yourself, go to the "weird scenes" section. See you all next week! -7/3- :nanagastu sanyobi: Happy 4th of July America-jin! I'll be seeing fire works tomorrow night. on thursday I'm heading off to girls camp for three days. I bet you already noticed the new layout. this time it's not as girly but I still like to keep trying. This sight isnt just for the little 6 year olds you know. My birthday was a few days ago as well and I got so much stuff including a new yuugiou game (which I will reveiw) and some more Japanese DVDs which I'm planning to make clips with. I'll try my best to make they high quility. (which means takeing screenshots, putting them togeather as animated gifts and pasting them into movie maker.) IF ANY ONE CAN TEACH ME HOW TO MAKE CLIPS OFF OF DVDS PLEASE EMAIL ME!!!! Also theres a hyper cool contest going on at yugioh chaos. just follow the link there. ![]() I also drew a picture of myself. ![]() -6/20- rokugastu nijuyobi I have three videos up two are AMVs (anime music videos) and the other is a crazy dub. I also forgot to put up the edits for episode 224 and a review for the new cap mon movie. My birthday is coming up and that means more Yuugiou unedited. I'm getting the Doma season in Japanese on the 30th and thats when I started watching Yuugiou. I recorded every dub episode of waking the dragons so I'm good to go. I went to youth confrence this last weekend and I'll write an entry in my blog about it... yeah. till next time. yuugi tachi episode 1 Dark one disco Goodbye sky harbor -6/5- Wow, I havn't updated in almost a month. I put up a new website called dear amane. I also made a new music video of zork dancing to disco, I just need to upload it. I havn't been doing edits lately because dueling bores me to death. I'm more about the emotional aspect of the show. I will do next week's however. I'm doing a new project call "Yuugi Tachi," It's really random. See you all later.