Intro to Yuugiou

To start off, if I could describe Yuugiou in one song it would be "Bohemian Rhapsody" by QUEEN. Mainly because everything in that song lives strongly in this show. Sad at first, then building up to a funny segment then merging it into a triumphant and exciting moment then fades back to sad. Yuugiou is the same and has the same atmosphere as that song.

I know what you're thinking. "Yu-gi-oh is just a dumb little kid’s show. It has no plot, no point no sense and no good characters and is just a ploy for the Chinese to get money." Oh how those lines make me shiver. If some on is brainwashing the American children, they are doing a good job of it. Let me brake down that paragraph in parentheses.

1. Yu-gi-oh is just a dumb little kid’s show. False. First of all, Yuugiou means game king in Japanese. I have no clue why it was kept in. If you look at the Manga, it is rated T for teen. Surprisingly it is unedited and intact for the teens. However the company, 4kids, which dubs the show, says that kids don't read and don't care about those books. To be exact, Yuugiou is rated teen for a lot of reasons. Violence, Drug and alcohol use, topics of child abuse, gangs, divorce, disturbing religious references, and death of a close family member, just to name a few. IT IS NOT A SHOW THAT SHOULD BE SHOWN TO CHILDREN.

2. It has no plot, no point. False. The main plot of the show is about a picked-on 15 year old boy with migitizim who is trying to help a nameless pharaoh find his way out of a mysterious 3,000 year old puzzle. In the process, Yuugi learns to stick up for himself, and gains friends. There are many other plots to name, such as Jounouchi and his sister shizuka's eye surgery. Malik and his severe schizophrenia. Bakura and his dead sister that he writes letters to and many more.

3. and no good characters. False. The only people to blame for stupid characters are the American company, 4kids, who are surprisingly against the whole Japanese culture. Yeah, so to give you an idea of the characters, you'll have to visit my character page.

4. It’s just a ploy for the Chinese to get money. FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE!!!! I've actually heard this one said out loud and boy did it tick me off. It is a fantastic show and the only reason that new "Capmon movie" came out is because the American company, 4kids, likes all of the money they get from the young children. In fact. The whole American dub IS a marketing ploy! The only thing that has been left in that show is a bit of the animation and few lines of the anime, and that is it!!! The only way they could make money off of that is to alter it for children and rake in the bucks like it was nothing. IT IS PURE JAPANESE! There was even a new-years special (that was cut) where the whole cast is dressed in traditional Japanese garb. Who ever mistakes this for Chinese is poorly educated and needs to take world sivalization again.

Dueling: Dueling in the American movie (pyramid of light) bored me to death. I might as well snoozed through that movie because that was all they did. It’s not like that in the Japanese. The show does not revolve around dueling but is considered the glue holding all of the seasons and plots together, and what a strong glue it is. During the duels, characters usually reveal a shocking past or secret almost like it was a therapy session. It’s also a very good excuse to get around and go to different contries. How else could have they found out Atems name? (Let alone past.) I may fast forward through the long battles but they will always hold a new secret for us to discover.

Seasons and arcs: In the dub countries there is a rumor of a season 0. This is not a rumor at all but is the first 7 issues of the manga that have been animated. Ivey seen a few episodes and liked them; however they're nothing like the DM series.

-Season 0 Yuugi finds a mysterious puzzle that his grandfather has been hiding in the game shop for years. Later he meets Jounouchi, Honda, Miho, and Bakura. He's been friends with Anzu since his childhood.

-DK duelist kingdom Pegasus J Crawford, the American creator of duel monsters holds a tournament to find a way to revive his dead girlfriend. He steals the soul of Yuugi's grandpa to make sure he shows up. Jounouchi wants to win to get the reward to pay for his little sister's eye surgery.

-DDM (dungeon dice monsters)/Rebecca/virtual world We meet otogi, son of a clown and owner of a conflicting game shop called the black crown... (Or clown... I don’t know, it was in English but there was a picture of a clown above it, however it was wearing a black crown. You can just take your pick.) Jounouchi challenges Otogi to a duel for the sake of manhood and looses his dignity. Yuugi fights Otogi to get his friend out of the silly dog suit and regain jounouchi's title. Later Otogi revels his story and they become friends. A little girl from America comes to domino Japan to get her blue eyes white dragon card back. Yuugi gains a life-time fan-girl. Seto threatens to fire the workers that made and agreement with Pegasus. The challenge him to play a game they created. If he wins, they leave. If he loses they take control. What cheaters...

-Battle City Atem finds out that he was a past pharaoh when a woman named Isis brings a stone slab with a picture of him on it from Egypt. Seto is entrusted with Obelisk to try and find two other "God cards" that hold the secret to Atem's past. Seto, being the intelligent connoisseur that he is, starts a tournament to try and find the cards. Jounouchi's sister finally gets a chance to have the eye operation but she refuses to do it with out her brother by her side. Jounouchi beats himself up about loosing his most prized card. Honda knocked sense into him by making him realize which was more important. Players are whittled down a select few and Malik and Yami bakura make a deal. Seto leads the contestants onto a blimp.

-Noa This season wasn't a manga at first so it is pretty plot oriented. Seto and his passengers are dragged into the ruins of his step father's bomb testing facilities. Soon they find out that it was a mysterious boy named Noa who they later find out is/was Seto's step brother who died in a car accident 11 years ago. Noa steals Seto's most prize possession, Mokuba and brainwashes him to believe that he is his only big brother. Soon the soul of Gozoboro comes back and tells his real son Noa that he never really cared about him. Gozoboro plans to unleash one of the bombs that Noa was creating for him and destroy 80% of the world's population. Noa helps the gang to get out of his computer world and set them free, however as soon as they try to leave, Gozoboro attacks them and there is only one way to stop him. Noa holds onto his step father, preventing him to attack the others and sets the base to explode after every one has escaped. Noa Finally dies in peace and the group performs a burial at sea.

-Alcatraz Duel tower The group lands on a man made island with a gigantic tower. The final contestants battle and many of the people go into a coma because of Yami malik. Malik reviles his saddening past and learns to banish his yami that has been controlling him for years. Malik apologizes to his sister and half brother and shows Atem the odd scars on his back. The markings tell of how to use the god cards that he has gained to find his past. Seto destroys the old island as symbolism of him leaving his past behind him. He now plans to start a new and follow his dreams.

-DOMA oricalchose Finally Yuugi has time to try and use the god cards. However when he reaches the stone slab, a king of Atlantis steals the cards and uses them as sacrifices to the god of orichalcose. Once he has enough souls the god will be able to revive and destroy the world so he can rebuild his kingdom that was lost so many years ago. The group head to America to see Pegasus and find out what this new company really is up to. Three followers of the ancient king Dartz battle the yuugi tachi and take Mai along for the ride. Jounouchi shows a lot of emotion for Mai.

-KC grand prix Seto holds one last tournament while in America. Siegfried and his little brother try and destroy KC for whatever reason they have. Pink haired Siegfried...

-Memory arch After returning to Japan, Yuugi is able to try again with the god cards however the tablet has been moved back to its original spot in Egypt. Once Yuugi holds the cards up the stone Atem is sucked into it. He lands in his past as pharaoh with 7 guardians, representing people in the future. Bakura shows his true Identity. Atem finds his dark secrets. Zork is revived. You'll have to watch this arch for yourself. It's too great to describe in words.

-GX (generation next) Seven years have pasted since Atem has been put to rest. Seto has opened up a duelist school and has become a superhero himself. Yuuki Judai applies for duelist academy but is discriminated by an Italian professor who wears lipstick. It’s not all school work here though.

Yuugiou is a fantastic show and shouldn’t be judged just because it's been altered for children. I buy my Japanese DVDs off the internet myself and enjoy every episode.


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