My HamSTARS Care

Here, I'd like to show you how to care my hamsters. Perhaps it is strange for you?!?

Every Week


I weigh my hamsters on the kitchen scale once a week.
I can see my hamsters health conditions.

Weighing Gura-chan

In Winter

Pocket Body Warmers

I'm having my hamsters in Japan and it is very cold in winter,
so I usually use these pocket body warmers (=PBW) for each hamster.

Is it made from?
Iron, water, active carbon. Some PBW can be recycling.

How to use it?
Open the package and put the content in a PBW case.
*PBW case---it is sold in petshops. **You can see the yellow case in The third photo in My HamSTARS Gallery.

Put the case under hamster house.
(If you put it without case, it is too hot for hamsters, even for people!)

How long does it keep warmness?
Only one PBW keeps a hamster warm about for 9 hours.

Pocket Body Warmers



In Summer

Keep Air Conditioner

Even if there is no one in my house. Hamsters are not strong in hot summer.
I'm keeping same temperature for my hamsters. It costs a lot for me but I don't care if my hamsters are happy. The house, which is closed all the windows & doors, is like a sauna bath in summer!

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Hamster House - the best hamster hangout