Hi, WelComE To My Hamster WeBpagE

HelLo, Let Me iNtroDues mysElf.
My naMe is MeLissa. I aM From SinGaporE.
i HavE 8 hamsTers and theY'rE alL dwArf HamstErs.
CurRently i Don't haVe TheiR PictuRes Here
bUt i WiLL tRy To Put thEm Up aS SooN As PossiBlE. :)

29/07/2002 I got a pair of sapphire witer white from a breeder. the hammies are so cute.. =) i called them Candy for the ger and Flossy for the guy. so when combined, they're called candy floss. =) i got the idea from my irc channel, #CanDy_fLoSs :)
Sometime in July 2002 Armandine died... :(
Sometime in July 2002 I sent Squeaky to the hamster competition ut she didn't win anything... Sometime in May 2002 Max n Ian died. i think it's because they fight or something like this...

this little hammy is so cute...


AmandiNe's PaGe

SmokEy's PagE

PinKy's PaGe

Max's PaGE

Angie's PaGE

The BabiEs~

Copyright � 2001 by Melissa